Friday, June 18, 2010

Until We Meet Again...sniff, sniff

I cannot believe I will not physically "see" my parents for a year and a half. It didn't seem like such a long time before now. My parents accepted a call to serve a full time mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to the Czech Republic (aka...the motherland). Of course I know that they are needed and that they are preforming a very important service...but let me be just a little bit selfish for a minute.
I am pretty much the same person I was back in high school...but ya know how it seems like your children have grown while you were away for a weekend...yeah, multiply that by five million for how much the grandparents will miss of the little ones while they are away. It just makes me so sad that M will be almost eight when they get back, B will be in Kindergarten and E will be talking. Surely I am just being a little emotional about this...but my kids adore my parents and I know how much they love watching my children grow up and what a sacrifice it is for them. I guess I have a ways to go in my love of all mankind before I go on a mission...but for now, I will just give my kiddos a squeeze for my parents and countdown the time until we can all play together again!

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