Sunday, July 4, 2010

Airman Adam Hrncirik...Reporting for duty

I really hate to admit this....but I am pretty sure I have taken my freedom for granted until now. There is just something about having a family member in the military that makes you feel really proud and grateful...not to mention your baby bro! This is the boy I used to change and feed and carry around singing "The Skeeters and the Bedbugs" song to in a chipmunky voice. This is the boy I couldn't imagine was old enough to drive, let alone carry a weapon. But, he enlisted in the air force and rocked basic training as he embarks a three year journey to becoming a member of a special forces team.
We had the privilege of going to his graduation from basic in San Antonio. I won't even go into the details of our ghetto fabulous hotel or tell you how long it took to get the smell out of our clothes because the week was wonderful. Adam is hardcore to say the least. Out of...oh, I can't remember how many there were...but he was at least in the top 5 (not percent...I'm saying #5 or better) of all of the graduates. Based on the sheet they gave us of all their physical stats...he was either 2nd or 3rd overall physically (when ranked in running, push ups, pull ups, sit ups, etc) and he graduated in the top 10% and was awarded "Honor Graduate". I was as proud as any "mother" could be...and I am not even his mom.
The boys were so excited to see him. They idolize their uncle. I just loved that we were a part of it and I LOVED that M was saluting like all the airmen during the ceremony. I also had to document the level of order and cleanliness never before seen or embraced by little bro...just had to show it for posterity's sake.

1 comment:

Eric and Amy said...

I feel like a proud Momma just looking at the pics ... and he's not even related to me! He's so handsome and the military is so lucky to have him. We pray for him!