Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Green Thumb

So, I am not sure that I've noticed the skin on any of my appendages tinged green...but I have to say that my new pride and joy is our garden. My parents, the gardening EXPERTS, came down for one of M's soccer games and we spent Saturday morning putting in our first real garden. There is just something so gratifying when you plant the seed and water and just hope that something will survive...and then you see those first little buds popping out of the soil (sounds kind of like a parenthood parable).
It has been so fun to do with the boys. Throughout the whole process they were right in there, making the boxes, mixing the soil and fertilizer and planting the seeds. Every day M and B want to help water the garden and every day M runs out to see if anything new is coming up. We should start chowing on some of the goods in another month. SO, if you have a hankering for a delicious salad...come on over!


Amber said...

I can't believe how quickly everything is coming up. At least to my casual eye that isn't directly involved in the hard labor of the endeavor :-)

Eric and Amy said...

SO IMPRESSED! Our garden pales in comparison to yours! We've planted our seeds. We've got a few small buds coming up. But I think your salad will be much bigger than mine ;)

Newton said...

DELICIOUS!! Jimmy and I eat LOADS of veggies and we were just talking last night about how excited we will be to finally have a garden!
Everything looks beautiful!