Sunday, February 28, 2010

Spring is in the Air

Please note the cheeto face on B...indicating that his grandparents are in town.

There is nothing like planting your spring garden and getting the plants all ready and cut back to make you feel like Spring might actually arrive. My parents are always so inspirational to me when it comes to all things outdoors. Plus, it probably helps that they are always game to give me tips and go pick out plants when they are here. I know almost nothing despite years of gardening as a family "privilege" growing up. I still have nightmares of collecting the scary tomato worms with their stingers and stripes.
I am going to admit something right now...I didn't like to be outside, pretty much ever when I was a young girl. I considered myself an "inside person". I actually remember calling myself that when talking to people. Maybe it is participating in outdoor sports for so long or something, but I feel like I appreciate nature a lot more in my "old age". Don't get me wrong, I am not ready to move out on the range...but I love that we have 1/4 acre lot and that I have space for a garden and room for the boys to play soccer to boot.

1 comment:

Eric and Amy said...

Can your parents come do my yard and garden too?????