Wednesday, February 24, 2010

He knows how to write???

I am very guilty of letting a lot of things slide with children #2 and #3. Please tell me that it is normal so I will not lay awake at night feeling totally incompetent. I remember life with M. He knew all his shapes, colors, numbers, how to spell his name, etc by the time he was 3. This is just not the case with the others. I am pretty sure that it is just my lackadaisical attitude and not the abilities of the children as I learned this week that B can actually write...and that was without any kind of crazy "teach your three year old to write if it kills you both boot camp" that I may or may not have done with #1. We were writing on a birthday card for a cousin and B insisted on writing his name. I decided that he could pretend so I helped him with which letters to write and I was totally blown out of the water. With ZERO help from me, he can write almost all his letters. It was a wake up call to me...I can't put any of my kids in certain boxes...because they will prove me wrong time and time again.


Eric and Amy said...

Same thing happened with Austin. We were in church and he wrote his name on this white board ... and then he wrote his whole alphabet. The lady sitting next to me was ooohing and ahhhing over his abilities ... as was I. I had NO clue he could do that! It's amazing what our kids pick up without us having to teach them. Thank goodness or #2 and #3 would have no hope!

Dani said...

You are killing me. Boot camp. Love it. And love you.