So, we are sitting there and Beckett and Mackay were vying for the same toy (big surprise...I am just going to start buying two of everything) and I scolded Beckett and told him to wait his turn. Anyway, they had just start passing the sacrament and Beckett starts barfing. I caught the first wave in my hands...and people all around start passing kleenex, napkins and wipe. But Beckett promptly barfed again and Marc looks at me and says, "What should I do?" My response seemed pretty obvious to me, "GET HIM OUT OF HERE!!" (said in a desperate whisper) So, Marc scoops up Beckett trying to maximize the amount of vomit contained on his lap, while I walk behind them with barf sloshing out of my hands all over the pew and floor to the nearest bathroom.
Within seconds there are people rushing to our aide. A few of our "pew mates" got a bottle of disinfectant, a brush and a roll of paper towels to work on the chapel while another lady came and washed out Beckett's clothes so I could comfort him. We got him all cleaned up and calmed down just in time to speak. Then another friend came to help watch the boys so we could speak.
Needless to say, the vomit did not help me prepare to speak, and I felt more overwhelmed and nervous than I ever could have imagined. So, I pretty much started to loose it at the beginning, somehow reeled it in and eventually my voice stabilized and I stopped sounding like a goat.
So, alls well that ends well...although I did have a friend come up and rub my stomach and smile "knowingly" later that day (I would totally be fine with that - IF I was prego) that didn't help the ego for the day...but I guess it happens to everyone at some point in their lives.