Sunday, June 1, 2008

I've been tagged

So Heather tagged me awhile ago and I didn't respond since I didn't want to "pollute" our family, here it goes.

What were you doing five years ago?
I was just finishing up my first year teaching at Poe Middle School...was exiting "the rough years" and embarking on a summer of travel and weddings.

What were you doing ten years ago?
I just finished my first year at "the Y" and was ready to get outta, I was getting ready to move over to the Czech Republic.

5 things on you're "to do" list today
1. Make a peach cobbler for Marc's birthday today.
2. Go visit someone in the hospital.
3. Make thank you cards for the swap on Thurs.
4. Find mixer games for the RS Pool Party on Wed.
5. Call a prego.

Snacks you enjoy
Um...for a minute I thought that it said "snack" and I started to panic...I cannot narrow down my love of food to one the top things are watermelon, ice cream, summer squash, hummus, chocolate chip cookies and brownies, salad, hot dogs with cheese (gross...I know), pretty much all food except really fishy fish and internal organs of any kind.

5 places you have lived
V-town (Visalia), CA; Huntington Beach, CA; Palm Dessert; CA, Alexandria, VA; Austin, TX

5 jobs you've had
Librarian, Zuka Juice Technician, Movie Ticket Sales Associate, Preschool Teacher, Middle School Spanish Teacher

If I were suddenly a billionaire I would...
Have a summer home on Maui, invest most of it and live off interest, buy a sweet house with an awesome kitchen and really generous to my friends and family.

5 things people might not know about me.
1. I sweat like a man.
2. I love having a huge prego belly.
3. I love to grocery shop.
4. I want to go to hair school.
5. I am really self conscious.

So, that is me in a few questions. Now I want to tag Lizzie, Aryn, Dani, Mary Ann and Amy G.


Eric and Amy said...

YEAH!!!!! Andrea's blogging!!! I can't tell you how excited we are! I expect lots of hilarious bursts of laughter from my computer chair as I read ;). Love you babe!
And Zuka Juice lucky...I lived for those at the Y!

aryn said...

Yeah!! You finally have your own blog!!! I love getting a little piece of Andrea whenever I want!!

Unknown said...

Andrea!!!!! (This is Katie Tienken). It has been FOREVER since I've seen you or talked to you. I'm so happy to have found your blog! It's great to hear that you're happy and doing well.

Crazyloca said...

MARY!!! I heard you go by Mary me or something...would love to get back in touch! Leave me a way I can get a hold of you! - andrea

Unknown said...

hey! try me at so excited to be in contact again!